Lockheed Martin Integrates Cyber Security Standards into OISF’s Suricata Engine

OISF is a non-profit foundation that aims at building a next-generation intrusion detection / intrusion prevention (IDS/IPS) engine. The organization is working with software development companies, IT security solutions providers and the open-source security community to come up with the best solutions and identify current and future needs.

The Suricata Engine is an open-source high-performance IDS, IPS and network security monitoring engine. By integrating the latest cyber security standards, Suricata leverages cross-organization data sharing in order to communicate cyber threat information directly to the engine’s sensors.

“OISF is excited to welcome Lockheed Martin into the consortium. Our collaboration is already well underway to build several very exciting new features into Suricata to ensure yet another great set of tools in the network defenders arsenal,” notes Kelley Misata, vice president of community outreach for OISF.

The integration of standards like Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX), Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) and Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) enables organizations to automatically share cyber threat indicators and malware at speeds of up to 40 Gb per second with minimal latency.

“Lockheed Martin is a key contributor to evolving and integrating emerging TAXII, STIX, and CybOX standards which are being widely adopted across the industry,” says Rohan Amin, director of Cyber and Data Analytics at Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Solutions.

“In fact, the STIX format already leverages the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain to enhance the context of specific threat indicators. Our commitment to innovation allows us to continually integrate new solutions to keep our nation’s critical infrastructure protected from adversaries,” Amin adds.

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