How to Make Utorrent faster

How to Make Utorrent faster

How to Make Utorrent Faster Using Protocol Encryption

Since I am using uTorrent, I will describe this in separate steps for both uTorrent users and other client users. Protocol Encryption makes it to where your ISP can not identify torrent traffic, which decreases the chance of them throttling, or limiting your bandwidth while downloading torrents.

uTorrent Users: Be sure that everything I have checked is checked on your client. Most of this comes by default. The most important thing here is “Protocol Encryption.” Be sure this is set to Enabled, and that “Allow incoming legacy connections” is checked.

Other Torrent Clients: In your settings (most likely under connections), there will be something along the lines of “Protocol Encryption, Transport Encryption, or Traffic Shaping.” Enable these settings and allow incoming legacy connections.

How to Make Utorrent Faster Using Bandwidth

users can increase their Utorrent client’s performance in order to make downloading and uploading files faster. In order to this try the following:

1) Open the Utorrent client, click on the Options tab, and select Preferences.

2) Select the Connections tab and enter “45682” into the “Port used for incoming connections” box.

3) Scroll to the bottom of that same window and enter “65” into the “Global maximum upload rate” box and “0” into the “Global maximum download rate” box under “Bandwidth Limiting.”

4) Open the Utorrent/BitTorrent tab and enter “1890” into the “Global maximum number of connections” box, “2329” into the “Maximum number of connected peers per torrent” box, and “14” into the “Number of upload slots per torrent” box. Be sure to select every box on this screen and ensure that the Outgoing Protocol Encryption is set to “Enabled.”

5) Click on the Queueing tab and enter “60” into the box for number of active torrents and “63” into the box for number of active downloads. Ensure that the Seed Ratio is set to 100% and uncheck every box on this screen.

6) Click Apply on the bottom of the window and restart Utorrent. The program should now be much faster

How to Make Utorrent Faster Using Advanced Settings

Now it’s time to change some “Advanced” settings. In settings/preferences, click on advanced. It says “Warning: Do not modify” but if you follow exactly what I do, your client will be safe. Again this can be done in any Torrent Client, but you have to understand what the settings mean as they may be worded differently.

uTorrent: You can use the filter (search box) to quickly find certain settings.

Set “bt.allow_same_ip” to ‘True’ by clicking on it and setting the value to true. (see picture for example.)

Set “gui.show_notorrents_node” to ‘False’ (Use filter or scroll down in Advanced to find it.)

Set “rss.update_interval” to ’20’ (Make sure you click on ‘Set’ after you type in 20)

Apply and close out of Advanced settings. Restart uTorrent or torrent client.

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Ashley August 22, 2015 - 1:02 am
Nice breakdown. Here's a video I found with a few more tips that help up speed it up -
Anonymous January 7, 2015 - 3:49 pm
did not work ,,,,i tried it earlier
Template Level January 5, 2015 - 8:42 am
not bad
Abdalla December 20, 2014 - 8:00 am
Step 4; Global maximum number of connections and Maximum number of connected peers per torrent are on tab Bandwidth while Outgoing Protocol Encryption on tab bitTorrent which tab checkboxes will be check? Thanks
hehe December 19, 2014 - 6:22 pm
Hmmm.. Nice.. This guy now knows you torrent config.. and your IP.. What will he do ?
Anonymous December 21, 2014 - 2:54 pm
bt.allow_same_ip: Enabling this option allows multiple incoming connections from the same IP address. This option affects a single torrent job at a time, so you can still have the same IP address connect to you on different torrent swarms. It is recommended that this option be left disabled, as it weakens the anti-leech protection.
Anders Klausen December 12, 2014 - 3:12 pm
Is it just me or is somthing missing ?? you write "Be sure that everything I have checked is checked on your client." where can i see that ?? and you write "et “bt.allow_same_ip” to ‘True’ by clicking on it and setting the value to true. (see picture for example.)" where is the picture ?? /aklausen
ved December 12, 2014 - 10:18 am
using bandwidth option no. 4 ,,kaha hai bhai... m nt seeing it in my torrent's window
renz December 12, 2014 - 6:03 am
Vhj December 12, 2014 - 5:11 am
Global max upload rate 65 and Download rate 0? Dose 't it set download speed 0?
bsan December 12, 2014 - 8:42 am
Down rate 0 means it will be unlimited.

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