One of Microsoft’s closely guarded secrets concerning Xbox One development is its SDK. Developers have to basically petition Microsoft with their ideas and, when approval is granted, those developers are given access to the SDK under a strict non-disclosure agreement.
However it would seem the software development kit (SDK) for the Xbox Live is being freely circulated over the Internet. Another group calling itself H4LT has apparently managed to leak the Microsoft’s official Xbox One developer SDK, potentially opening the door for homemade applications and allowing unapproved developers to create unofficial software for the system.
H4LT states noble reasons for posting the software, namely to allow greater “creativity and research… towards homebrew applications” on the console. The leak, however, doesn’t mean you can start cooking up official Xbox One apps, because you’d need to be accepted into Microsoft’s ID@Xbox publishing program and clear other hurdles. Still, it’ll let curious types poke around the SDK or possibly check for weaknesses, giving Microsoft another headache.