Build your own DIY home alarm and surveillance system using a Raspberry Pi

DIY home alarm and surveillance system

Here is how it’s possible to build your own DIY home alarm and surveillance system from a Raspberry Pi – PrivateEyePi is an open source, configurable, automated home alarm system which you can build and code yourself. Its creator documented the whole system extensively and provides parts lists and pricing; wiring schematics; and all the code you’ll need. You can use motion detectors, or switches attached to doors, or a mixture of the two. There are instructions on adding cameras to the setup, and you can even add a temperature gauge to check on whether your central heating’s working when you’re away. You’ll be able to monitor everything via your computer or smart phone.

You can install PrivateEyePi from here 

DIY home alarm and surveillance system

You will surely need this home security system for your new home in a place like this. It is also possible to add home surveillance to the project by using a third party application called “motion” to operate the webcam. Motion is great because:

·it is free
·easy to setup
·requires a small amount of CPU processing power (good for a Raspberry Pi)
·has video streaming built in
·will create pictures and video files when motion is detected
·will trigger the PrivateEyePi alarm system when motion is detected
·is highly configurable

You can download motion from here

Required skills
The creator of the project (Gadget Nut) recommends:Basic low voltage electronic skills. We will provide you with a full inventory of electronic parts and diagrams. We will show you bread board wiring schematics for you to copy.

Basic Raspberry Pi and Linux experience. Even complete beginners with no programming, operating system or electronics experience can make this work. You can also use our blog to ask questions or email our support email.

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Olivier March 21, 2015 - 8:55 pm
Hi, Nice job :) If you wanna built a complete surveillance system using Raspberry Pi, here is an excellent detailed project :
Anonymous November 6, 2015 - 9:57 pm
Its in mexican thou :(
Anonymous December 26, 2015 - 5:06 pm
You're retarted
Anonymous January 27, 2016 - 2:28 am
it's in french not mexican lol just google trad ..
Anonymous January 26, 2016 - 9:14 pm
Marcquz February 21, 2015 - 5:45 pm
Me too.. I am interested to learn more about this project. Could please tell us how. thanks
Linu Thomas February 10, 2015 - 1:06 pm
I need to know more about this project of home alarm system.

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