How To Create A Simple Batch File For Windows

Hackers can create very dangerous batch files which can destroy your computer but here we are going to teach you on how to create a simple windows batch file. Batch files are created using Microsoft Notepad

How to create a simple batch file for windows

Step 1: Right-click on desktop and choose Text Document. Now you can see a plain text file when you open it.

Step 2: Google the commands which you need to create a simple batch file

Note: Below you find a simple batch file that displays some text.

Step 3: Type “@echo off” so that the code is not displayed in the final form.

Step 4: Next line type “echo” then press space and add the information you want to  display (example: echo my first batch program)

Step 5: Press enter to go next line and write “pause” so the windows stops.

Step 6: Now Save your file

Step 7: Give a name to your file and save it in .BAT extension.

Now your done! You have created a simple windows batch file. If you run the batch file you can see your batch file showing you the content which you have written after “echo“. You can also add title to your batch file by adding the code “title” (example: title Latest hacking news)

List of Batch commands  

  • APPEND  Set or display search path for files.
  • ASSIGN  The command redirects requests for disk operations on one drive to a different drive. It can also display drive assignments or reset all drive letters to their original assignments.
  • ATTRIB Change or view attributes of one or more files.
  • BACKUP and RESTORE Original commands to backup and restore files. Replaced later on by CPBACKUP or MSBACKUP
  • CALL  Invokes a Batch program from another Batch program
  • CHCP Displays or changes the active code page used to display character glyphs in a console window.
  • CHKDSK Checks a specific storage volume.
  • CHOICE Prompts user to choose from several options.
  • CLS Clears the terminal screen.
  • COPY Copies files to a specific location.
  • DATE Displays system date.
  • DEL and ERASE Delete one or more files.
  • DIR Shows contents of a directory.
  • ECHO Displays text on screen.
  • EXIT Closes the program.
  • FC and COMP Compares two files and shows differences.
  • FOR A loop syntax based on a set of conditions.
  • MD or MKDIR Creates a new directory.
  • MOVE Moves files to a specific location.
  • PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files.
  • PAUSE Suspends all activity until user input.
  • RD and RMDIR Removes a directory.
  • REM Adds comment without any action.
  • REN Renames a file.
  • SORT Filters input data and sends it to output data stream.
  • TIME Displays system time.
  • TITLE Modifies the program title (shown in title bar).
  • UNDELETE Restores files deleted with the DEL command
  • XCOPY Copies entire directory tree.

For more batch commands you can click here and here. Happy coding 

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