HTML Cheat Sheet Free Download

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HTML Cheat Sheet

<!DOCTYPE> Version of (X)HTML
<html>….</html> HTML document
<head>….</head> Page information
<body>….</body> Page contests


<!– Comment Test –>

<base /> Base URL
<meta /> Meta data
<title>….</title> Title
<link /> Relevant resource
<style>….</style> Style resource
<script>….</script> Script resource


<h1>….</h1> to <h6>….</h6> Heading
<div>….</div> Page section
<span>….</span> Inline section
<p>….</p> Paragraph
<br> Line break
<hr> Horizontal rule


<a href=””> Page link
<a href=”mailto:”> Email link
<a name=”name”> Anchor
<a href=”#name”> Link to anchor


<strong>….</strong> Strong emphasis
<em>….</em> Emphasis
<blockquote>….</blockquote> Long quotation
<q>….</q> Short quotation
<abbr>….</abbr> Abbreviation
<acronym>….</acronym> Acronym
<address>….</address> Address
<pre>….</pre> Pre-formatted text
<dfn>….</dfn> Definition
<code>….</code> Code
<cite>….</cite> Citation
<del>….</del> Deleted text
<ins>….</ins> Inserted text
<sub>….</sub> Subscript
<sup>….</sup> Superscript
<bdo>….</bdo> Text direction



<ol>….</ol> Ordered list
<ul>….</ul> Unordered list
<li>….</li> List item
<dl>….</dl> Definition list
<dt>….</dt> Definition term
<dd>….</dd> Term description



<form>….</form> Form
<fieldset>….</fieldset> Collection of fields
<legend>….</legend> Form legend
<label>….</label> Input label
<input>….</input> Form input
<select>….</select> Drop-down box
<optgroup>….</optgroup> Group of options
<option>….</option> Drop-down options
<textarea>….</textarea> Large text input
<button>….</button> Button



<table>….</table> Table
<caption>….</caption> Caption
<thead>….</thead> Table body
<tbody>….</tbody> Table body
<tfoot>….</tfoot> Table footer
<colgroup> Column group
<col /> Column
<tr>….</tr> Table row
<th>….</th> Header cell
<td>….</td> Table cell


<img />

Image Map

<area />
Area of image map

&#34;   ”   Quotation mark
&#38;   &   Ampersand
&#60;   <   Less than
&#62;   >   Greater than
&#64;   @  “At” symbol
&#128;  €   Euro
&#149;  •   Small bullet
&#153;  ™  Trademark
&#163;  £   Pound
&#160;       Non-breaking space
&#169;  ©  Copyright symbol


<param />

<area />
<base />
<br />
<col />
<hr />
<img />
<input />
<link />
<meta />
<param />

Class: id      Style: title
Note: Core attributes may not be used in base, head, html, meta, param, script, style or title elements.

dir       lang
Note: Language Attributes may not be used in base, br, frame, framest, hr, iframe, param or script elements.

accesskey     tabindex

onLoad    onUnload

onBlur        onReset
onChange   onSelect
onFocus     onSubmit

onKeydown   onKeyup

onClick    onMouseout
onDblclick    onMouseover
onMousedown   onMouseup

HTML Cheat Sheet

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mukesh October 15, 2015 - 7:39 am
can u put css and javascrpit
GeekyOtaku October 31, 2015 - 8:27 pm
Hey mukesh, yes you can. for JavaSCRIPT, and for STYLING with CSS.

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