One Of The Nascar Race Team Computer Has Been Hacked And Infected With Ransomware

The computer of one of the Nascar race team has been hacked by unknown hackers, and also they locked up all the files in that computer and have demanded ransom from the team. The team was given only 55 min approx to either pay the ransom in Bitcoin to unlock all the files or they would crash all the files.

There is no other way to restore your files except of making the payment. Any attempt to remove or corrupt this software will result in immediate elimination of the private key by the server, the hackers said.

Dave Winston – the chief for the Circle Sport-Leavine Family Racing (Cslfr95) crew was shocked to see his computer when it started displaying a message window that said “All your important files are  encrypted!”. Below is the screenshot of that message window :


It is unclear which kind of ransomware locked up the Nascar race team’s computer but mostly crypto-malware is the favourite tool for cyber criminals as in recent years several of ransomware targets.

When contacted the FBI, the team was told to pay the ransom and that’s what they did. “It was huge relief when we got the key. … Pretty much everything came back”, Winston said.

How To Protect Yourself From Ransomware?

The best way to prevent ransomware is to have a secure backup, which allows you to restore files without paying the ransom. Many of us don’t have a backup and end up paying the ransom at one stage when u are hacked. So always have a backup of all your important files in your PC to save yourself from paying ransom.


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