Powerful Greek Army- A Group of Hackers Promises to Take Down Worldwide Media with DDoS Attacks

A group of hackers calling themselves the Powerful Greek Army (stylized PøwerfulGreəkArmy) have promised to take down media agencies worldwide with DDoS attacks tomorrow, September 22, 2016.

The campaign, nicknamed #OpClosedMedia is currently a hot topic in the hacking community on Twitter, with many hackers, skids, and security researchers alike, waiting for the group to launch their attacks.

According to statements made on Twitter and a video uploaded on YouTube, the group has embarked on a campaign to take down news media organizations for the generic reasons of “not reporting on the real news” and being “government controlled.”

Ghost Squad Hackers, one of the Anonymous off-shoots, had embarked on a similar campaign called #OpSilence for the entire month of June, with DDoS attacks against CNN, FOX, and NBC, to name a few.

The Powerful Greek Army promises DDoS attacks against similar media agencies such as CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, and others.

In fact, if you check the group’s Twitter timeline, you’ll see countless of screengrabs of media sites downed by their DDoS attacks. Past victims include Japan Today, Newsday, and many local Greek websites.

Hacktivists have been relatively quiet all summer when compared to the busy bees they were during this past winter and spring. We’ll just have to wait for the outcome of tomorrow’s attacks, but based on the group’s Twitter timeline, something will happen for sure.

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