Donald Trump Advised to Train 100,000 Hackers to Protect the US

The president of US Donald Trump better train and hire around 100,000 hackers whose main purpose is protecting the country from cyberattacks. This was suggested by a commission which includes top security experts, like former NSA director Keith Alexander and MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga, said in a report.

This security experts panel also suggested that cybersecurity should be given high priority during the tenure of Donald Trump. They also recommended Trump not only to train hackers and be prepared for any cyber threat but also to propose international norms for hacking that would guarantee better protection.

“From the past few years, trained security researchers are leaving for the Private sector and this has been a huge problem. We should train more security experts that will work for the country.” Pointed by the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity.

The salaries offered by private companies are higher than that offered by the United States so they expect Donald Trump to address this problem in his first year as the president of US.

Furthermore, Trump must closely control all training programs because this could lead to lower skills and quality, and the President is also recommended to create a so-called “national cybersecurity workforce program” to prevent such issues.

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