10 Awesome Ways To Search Google That Most People Don’t Know

In the present era, you can get the information of anything from anywhere. You can search for the calorie content in your desert to your stock prices from anywhere. The problem is sometimes when you have an idea of what to search but does not have the correct keyword to use. This makes your google search a lot slower and you take some trial and errors and failed attempts to finally get the information you want. Here are some tips which can help you in your way when you are stuck.

1. This or that

Sometimes we are unsure between two names or cannot remember the correct name to be searched. In these scenarios, you can enter all the details or names that come to your mind but separate them with “or”.

2. Use synonyms For searching

English is rich in synonyms. If you ever wanted to find the website on the given name rather than a website that merely contains your search term, you can use a specific phrase, add the “~” symbol to your search.

3. Searching inside websites

If you want to search for a specific content in a website, you can just type in the URL of the website and the term you want to find in it.

4. Forgot lots of words

If you are searching for a lengthy sentence but your memory does not cooperate with you, you can still find what you are looking for using  “AROUND + (the approximate number of missing words)“ between them. For example, ”I played  AROUND(7) ground.”

5. The mighty asterisk

If you have trouble remembering a word in your search, then you can ask the mighty asterisk for a little help. Just include “*” in place of the word you forgot and you will have no problem in finding what you want.

6. Searching for a page title or specific URL

If you want to search for a specific page title or just want to search the URL for the keyword you used, you can type “intitle:“ before the search term. To find the words from a URL, use ”inurl:”.

7. Use a time frame

If you want to search for a specific event that happened in particular period of time which you do not remember correctly, you can make use of the time frame. In place of the year just type the boundaries you remember separated with three dots(‘.’ ).

8. Find similar websites

If you found a really good website and want to know more similar to it, you can just type “related:” and then the address of the site you liked without spacing between them.

9. Searching a whole phrase

Writing the text inside quotation marks is one of the simplest ways to search for the information that is in the form of a sentence or a phrase.

10. Remove unimportant search words

To enhance your search results, you can select a word and search for the websites that do not contain the specific word.

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