How Apache2 Was Used to Create Marianas Web (.clos, .loky, .dafy)

If you read the three articles I posted earlier today, you’ll know the foundation of this article: Mariana’s Web is not real. Read more about the giant disinformation campaign here.

In the meantime, the simplicity behind the infamous domains is comical. If you’ve heard of apache2, you probably know it’s one of the more popular web servers available.

For Linux users, it can be installed with the commands:

  • (sudo) apt-get update
  • apt-get install apache2

If you think that’s easy enough, you should know that it only gets easier. After installing and opening in terminal, you can start digging deeper. Whatever your purpose is for creating a private network will influence the next step.

As an example, for Parrot OS you can type in terminal:

  • cd /var/www
  • mkdir [domain here – anything you want. i.e.: darkestdepth.dafy]
  • cd [your domain]
  • touch index.html
  • cd /var/www/html
  • touch index.html (edit file for whatever HTML site accordingly)
  • service apache2 restart

After restarting apache2, you can access the new domain through your browser. For 2-3 years, online users struggled with the possibility of private networks and closed shell systems.

Quantum computers were more than just rumors (to some) and Mariana’s Web was a dark and tempting prospect (to many – even the nonbelievers).

Now you can see that all along, the reality was this simple. There are a variety of reasons on why closed networks can be useful – from sharing remote files and data to accessing private chat rooms. Or misleading the general public for two years as a way to distract from the bigger picture.

Regardless of the reasons, apache2 is a very useful . . . and very dangerous tool. If this entire debacle can prove anything, it’s definitely that apache2 in the wrong hands (or the federal government’s hands) can cause a lot of destruction.

Tutorials/Further Proof

For N3URO’s video tutorial on apache2/Parrot OS, click here. (some report the video is blurry unless you download)

For [XXX]’s screenshots on apache2/BlackArch OS, click here.

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