Op Anonymous Greece Begins Their Attack – 80+ Turkish Websites down So Far

Just this morning, after publishing my first article in fact, I noticed that Op Anonymous Greece started their widespread attack against Turkish websites. In their introduction post on Facebook, the group declared the official launch.


“The massive attacks begin. Turkey we are Greeks, you can’t accomplish anything! It’s started and doesn’t stop! #OPanonymousgreece!”

The targeted websites listed on their first post include:

  • akademisyen.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • arge.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • bap.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • bologna.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • demo.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • disiliskiler.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • eduroam.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • rehber.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • rteusem.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • sempozyum.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • uosy.erdogan.edu.tr = Down
  • comyos.erdogan.edu.tr = Down

Since the original post, 80+ Turkish websites have been taken down by Op Anonymous Greece and affiliated Greek hackers. Over the course of today alone, the hacktivist group has gained the attention of media outlets across the world.

Included in the coverage is Greek news station, Star Channel:


“We would like to thank the star for our speech. 19:50 launches news! You’ll hear us there. About the Turks! #Opanonymousgreece”

As the day goes on, Op Anonymous Greece and other hackers continue to take down websites; deleting multiple pages in the process. In addition to their main objective, the group has also spoiled their followers with apparent “leaks of people from Turkish major websites!”

Turkey is keeping up with the cyber war however, as their hackers are both retaliating and enjoying the media attention.

Meanwhile, as this cyber war wages on, OP Anonymous Greece still has time to poke fun at all things Turkey/ish. Their social media has been home to several pictures and posts taunting their virtual opponents.

In retribution, social media pages are being blown up with Turks vs. Greeks. Comment sections, messages, tweets – everything is fair game right now. The creativity on both parts of the cyber war is impressive; from the hacking to the teasing.

In fact, included in the taunts is a picture of Recep Tayyip Erdogan placed next to a picture of Gollum from the LoTR series. If you remember back to 2016, this picture (along with several others) literally got the creator prison time AND loss of parental custody rights.

But all is fair in love and war . . . right? Now we wait to see who really comes out on top.

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