Three Websites to Harmlessly yet Effectively Prank Your Friends

Who doesn’t like messing with their friends every now and then? A harmless prank is . . . well, harmless. If you’re savvy with technology – or you know where to look – you can maximize your pranking efforts by utilizing the internet.

There are a large variety of websites that bring success in this department. The three websites in this article are filled with possibilities; an endless idea bank of potential. Let’s get started.

Peter Answers – Virtual Tarot

At first glance, this website seems silly and completely pointless. That’s because it is – unless you know how to operate it. Generally, you type in a question and “Peter” will give you a dismal answer that means nothing.

However if you want to prank a friend, you can use the “petition” box to do it. By typing a “.” In the box first, you can type the answer to your question while the generic petition will automatically appear in the box.

For example: in “Petition” box, you’d type “.The color of your shirt is blue” and it’d appear as “Peter please answer…” – then you’d type in your question. Bam! Instant creep out.


Albino Blacksheep

Sometimes the ideal prank comes in the form of a flash video. Tons of people have seen the infamous “maze” video and the “where’s waldo” prank.

Albino Blacksheep has a large variety of different pranks. Most of them involve random faces popping up and screaming, but a few of them are just generally creepy videos.  


Prank Dial

Do I even need to say why prank calling your friends is hilarious? Maybe you want to prank call someone but you don’t have the courage to use your voice? Regardless of your reason, Prank Dial is the perfect website.

They have thousands of pre-recorded pranks that work 75% of the time. PD also offers you 2-3 free tokens a day, and cheap prices for paying customers.


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