Finally Snapchat has joined the fight for the Open Internet

Snap Inc also confirmed its support in Net Neutrality Day over the Internet Association, an enterprise group that serves many of the tech giants on matters related to the internet. Participants will support for people to reach Congress and the Federal Communications Committee to show their provision for net neutrality.

“Without a free and open Internet, Snapchat would not be everything it is today. We firmly believe in providing future innovators the same chances,” a Snapchat spokesperson said in an emailed statement.

“That is why we are dedicated to supporting creativity, free expression, and a level playing area for all. It is imperative that we maintain the Internet that pays innovation, allows new businesses the chance to succeed, and grows our economy,” it continued.

But Snapchat hasn’t remained silent on the point of net neutrality for its business. As it wrote in its S1, the papers it filed to go public, “the selection of any laws or regulations that adversely influence the maturity, popularity, or use of the Internet, covering laws governing Internet neutrality, could reduce the demand for our goods and increase our cost of doing business.”

Fight for the Future, an association behind Net Neutrality Day, says almost 70,000 people, groups, online forums, startups, and other organizations are participating in the meet on Wednesday. The web platforms include Airbnb, Dropbox, Spotify, Google, Facebook, and now Snap Inc.

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