Anti-Evasion Platform Minerva Advances Security Against Ransomware

Malware is progressing more every day, and the advanced techniques plaguing our society are getting even more dangerous and easy to fall for.

Evasion techniques are used to push through security wards – whether it’s anti-virus software, sandboxes, or something completely different.

This is why anti-virus software is no longer enough to keep you secure. Dozens of anti-evasion platforms exist for the sole purpose of added security, but one of the better options is an anti-evasion platform called Minerva.

“Minerva increases the value of your entire defense ecosystem by notifying your other security tools of the existence of the unknown malware, so they can find and eradicate it even faster, adding incredible value to your existing security and defense applications. Minerva integrates with endpoint security solutions, network security solutions and cloud intelligence solutions.”

Just recently, Minerva has opted to advance their wards even further by instilling anti-ransomware security measures. The new platform is designed to protect users from ransomware, memory injection and malicious document attacks.

For example, mitigation against memory injection attacks and malicious files is executed via a report on macros. By comparing the patching capabilities (or non-capabilities), it’s easy to see which macros are malicious and which are legitimate.

Lenny Zelster, vice president of products at Minerva, explains their technique:

“We don’t look for malware; instead we use deception on the endpoint to trick malware into not working on a system.”

By manipulating the very techniques used by attackers during an attack, Minerva is able to effectively eliminate most malware and ransomware outbreaks.

With a flexible and lightweight platform, Minerva also utilizes speed and efficiency without the setback of a “heavy” product like some anti-virus/anti-evasion options.

In conclusion, the online community needs to protect themselves from the constant threats appearing virtually. Purchasing an anti-evasion platform like Minerva is only the first step in online security.

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