Net Neutrality will be supported by the White House said by Press Secretary Sean Spicer

“We encourage the FCC chair’s attempts to study and examine rolling back those rules and think that the valid way to get fair rules for everyone is for Government to take action and create administrative and economic certainty,” assistant press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Her explanations come a day later the bureau closed its comment period on Republican Chairman Ajit Pai’s “Reviving Internet Order” method to loosen the rules, which restrict broadband providers from hindering or slowing content.

Pai would target a Title II store in the 2015 laws that granted the FCC the power to regulate broadband providers by reclassifying them as common carriers.

Broadband business leaders and Republicans tell that movement was heavy-handed and reduced the industry to extreme regulations.

“The previous government went regarding this the wrong way by forcing rules on [internet service providers] ISPs into the FCC’s Title II rulemaking power,” said Sanders said Tuesday.

On Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer was also investigated about the administration’s position on rolling back net neutrality.

He told the FCC was an “independent agency” and that he would get after to the press.

Net neutrality advocates have been struggling to save the rules, but allow an uphill climb. Last week, they held a “Day of Action” to bring the public’s attention to net neutrality.

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