The Congress and More than 500 small scale companies are trying to prevent Net Neutrality

The signatories varying of dentist offices to wearing goods stores highlight how the FCC’s suggested reforms would put the smaller business at a damage with larger companies. Without strong protections, Internet service providers (ISPs) would be allowed to block websites, slow traffic, or charge new passage fees. The companies warn policymakers that, “While big businesses might be able to afford a pay-to-play prioritized ‘fast lane’ to users, small and medium sized businesses like ours cannot.”

Small and medium sized companies are urged to sign on, as names are being added on the rolling basis at

“These companies serve their founders’ dreams for a better life and a better world and they’re how many households put food on the table and pay their bills each month,” said Fight for the Future co-founder Holmes Wilson, “The FCC’s plan to end net neutrality puts companies like these and the livings of the millions of people who depend on them in great danger.”

The report was filed on the last day of the FCC’s dubious net neutrality discussion, which sparked millions of remarks, emails, and phone calls in support of Title II following the July 12th day of action. Prior to this week, digital rights organization Fight for the Future published a second wave of announcements targeting branches of Congress who support the FCC’s repeal, building on an initial series of six billboards from earlier this month. The ads are currently working in nine different states while legislators are back in their home communities.

Fight for the Future is best remembered for their role in the huge online protests upon SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and extends to organize many of the largest rallies in the history of the Internet.

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