The cloud, efficiency, and innovation

Most people now agree that the cloud has become a core component of any enterprise’s technology plan. Actually, in the past few years, we have seen the discussion around cloud choice move from “if” to “when” and “how” It is, shortly, a fact of life.

However, it persists one of the most disruptive changes in computing in years, and it is worth reviewing what makes the cloud so compelling to enterprise information technology. Its value proposition is many-faceted, ranging from significant cost savings over a regular datacenter approach to the ability to quickly build strong, flexible apps that can scale up as traffic spikes, and scale down as it retreats.

In cloud computing, companies spend for what they use, much as they would a telecom provider. If demand reductions and you no longer require capacity, you can turn off systems and you are not charged. Furthermore, when you purchase the hardware and the software, they become yours in every sense of the word. Services staffs are responsible for hardware swaps, networks, backups, updates for operating systems, and upgrades to the system software and apps.

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