Man Charged with 9 counts of Abusing Partner’s 4 year old Daughter

German authorities are bringing another Dark Web pedophile to justice with a little help from the public. Law enforcement’s cyber crime department discovered the girl on the Dark Web in highly compromising photos and videos. In a final effort to identify the 4 year old girl, police turned to the media and were successful.

After the release of the girl’s photo to local media, the grandparents and the girl’s mother recognized the child and took immediate action by turning in the mother’s partner. The 24 year old defendent had been abusing the child on a regular basis for several months. Law enforcement estimates the abuse occurred between October 2016 to July 2017.

He had been distributing videos and pictures he took of the numerous assaults onto the Dark Web. Upon discovery of the child pornography, authorities stopped at nothing to identify the poor girl and her attacker. Thankfully, this disgusting excuse for human life has been formally charged for the aggravated sexual abuse of a minor with a whopping 9 counts.

The defendant has also received additional charges for the distributing of the child porn. The judge personally questioned the defendant while in police custody in order to secure the process of formally charging the girl’s abuser. It is safe to say the courts will not be lenient on the 24 year old, considering the nature of these disgusting crimes.

Little has been said about the girl’s mother but it has been confirmed the girl is now safe and in the hands of psychiatrists that specialize in adolescent psychiatry. They will provide the child with the help she needs in order to full recover from the traumatizing ordeal. Everyone involved is anxiously awaiting the outcome of this case so that another Dark Web pedophile can join the rest of the scum behind bars

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