The Dark Fantasy Network Apparently Offers “Trial” Accounts

Continuing from my last article, my curious side is piqued at the mention of “trial” accounts for the Dark Fantasy Network. Many people – even those that deny its existence – are still intrigued at the aspect of a closed shell system/private network.

If the Dark Fantasy Network holds even a small bit of legitimacy, it could truly be a game changer. I do not, however, know if their trial account holds any truth. Regardless, I will still post the information I found and the information I was given.

For starters, registration for the Dark Fantasy Network is said to close on December 1st. Afterwards, the only access will be through invitation keys that the VIP members are given to distribute. Each VIP member is given 2 keys.

Moving forward, the resurrected Dark Fantasy Network recognizes its dishonest history and apparently strives towards “making it right”. They have been spreading around this message to users that are interested in access but still skeptical at the network’s legitimacy:

“The Dark Fantasy Network is officially up and running with accommodations to skeptical would-be users. For a limited time, we are offering a free trial account that will give you REGULAR access for TEN minutes before expiring and requesting further registration.

If you are interested in verifying the network’s legitimacy, please leave your email below and instructions will be sent to you between 5-6 PM CST. Thank you for your patience and we hope to eventually see you as an official DFN member.”

This message is being spread mostly via the Dark Fantasy Network’s supposed “representative”. They are publicly sharing the person’s contact information via a Telegram account: @DFNR3P. If you decide to test out their claims, be sure you access the information they provide using a virtual machine or by other secure means.

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