All the Tech Firms are against the FCC’s Plan to Kill Net Neutrality

In December, the US telecoms governor is planning to roll-back Obama-era rules that guarantee net neutrality the law that all data must be reviewed equally, and companies can’t charge for preferential access.

The plan is required to pass, and if it does, it will mean ISPs and telecoms firms are able to sell companies for access to “fast lanes,” or even block specific apps altogether.

Pro-net neutrality activists, who argue the law creates a level playing-field online, are up to members of the plan. And some tech companies are now delivering out in support of net neutrality as well, from Facebook to Netflix.

News reached out to some of the influential tech firms in America today to ask for their answer to the FCC’s plan. Their initial answers are below and will continue to update this post as more come in.

In an emailed statement, Facebook’s vice-president of US public administration Erin Egan said: “We are frustrated that the proposal announced today by the FCC fails to support the strong net neutrality protections that will ensure the internet stops open for everyone. We will work with all stakeholders committed to this principle.”

A Google spokesperson says: “The FCC’s net neutrality rules are fighting well for consumers and were thwarted in the proposal announced today.”

“Netflix supports strong #NetNeutrality. We oppose the FCC’s proposal to roll back these core protections.” In response to a Twitter user calling for it to take action, it added: “We’ve been supporting for years thru IA and Day to Save Net Neutrality with a standard on Netflix homepage for all users. More info on Q4 2016 earnings letter, as well. This modern draft order hasn’t been officially voted, so we’re lodging our opposition publicly and loudly now.”

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