Denmark Bicycle System Hacked

It is very common for ridesharing apps to get hacked, and Denmark’s Copenhagen bicycle sharing company that goes by the name of Bycyclen was a recent victim adding to the list of companies hacked.

The company was launched in 2014 and has more than 20,000 bicycles up and running today. This cycle system offers electric bikes that come equipped with GPS and allow customers to book rides with their Android or iOS devices.

How Many Bikes Were Affected?

This hack attack was so powerful that it affected around 1860 bikes, leaving only 200 operational. This caused great disturbance as customers could not book bikes when they needed. Plus, it caused a loss of revenue to the company as it lost on the money it would’ve earned had people booked the bikes when they needed to.

Was Any Customer Information Leaked?

A representative of the company talked to the media and said that no customer information was leaked because they stored nothing on the databases. However, the hack wiped out entire databases leaving nothing behind.

The company had to make each bike re-operate manually which took them a few days while the service remained suspended.

Who Are The Hackers?

Investigation is ongoing but as of yet, no information regarding the hacker or hackers has been found. Cyber security teams believe that the hacker involved had an in-depth knowledge of the system and is professional at hacking.

The Bottomline

The company said that no customer information was at risk but they still have asked customers to change their PIN numbers just to be safe.

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