Net Neutrality Will Be Killed on June 11th

The Net Neutrality rules will be killed on 11th of June after six months the FCC has voted to repeal it. The Commission voted to remove the rules that prohibit the ISP’s from blocking and throttling Internet Traffic. Many experts are saying that this decision of the FCC is completely unnecessary and will have side effects on the Internet. On the flip side Ajit Pai says the repeal will increase investments in Internet companies.

“For months, many politicians and special interests have tried to mislead the American people about the Restoring Internet Freedom Order,” Pai said. “Now everyone will be able to see the truth for themselves.”

While the repeal vote was carried out in December 2017, The US Office of Management and Budget has taken time to approve the information collection requirements. “The OMB approved the transparency rule on May 2, and the FCC set June 11 as the effective date of the new framework to give providers time to comply with the transparency requirement,” the FCC said today.

The FCC will play a bigger role in regulating the Internet after the repeal of the rules. Many experts are saying that FCC will allow the unfair deceptive businesses practices of the Internet which will not protect the privacy of the US Citizens, the FCC released a statement saying “Armed with our strengthened transparency rule, we look forward to working closely with the FTC to safeguard a free and open Internet.”

While the FTC can’t enforce Net Neutrality it can take actions on ISPs that don’t follow privacy regulations and throttle the traffic of websites. The FCC is planning to ask the Supreme court about the FTC’s power over the Internet Service Providers. That would prevent the FTC from regulating AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint, whose phone offers  are classified as traditional carrier services. Pai refused requests to delay the net neutrality repeal until after the court case was over.

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