Golismero – Web Application Vulnerability Scanner

So what is this tool all about?

Golismero is an open source framework, used for mapping web applications and finding vulnerabilities. The tool is designed to be used by penetration testers and red teamers to aid in finding web application flaws by bringing together a number of other pen testing tools. The tool is a huge timesaver since it takes the donkeywork out of running other tools individually.

Golismero is written in Python with no dependency on native libraries. The tool is supported by all major operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

How can it be installed?

In Linux, Golismero can be installed using the following commands. Installation details for other operating systems are available here.

sudo bash

apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip python-docutils git perl nmap sslscan

cd /opt

git clone https://github.com/golismero/golismero.git

cd golismero

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements_unix.txt

ln -s /opt/golismero/golismero.py /usr/bin/golismero


Let’s see the tool in action

The important Golismero commands include SCAN, RESCAN, PROFILES, PLUGINS, INFO, REPORT, DUMP, LOAD, IMPORT, and UPDATE. The SCAN command is used to find the vulnerabilities in the target web application. For instance, the following command can be used to find flaws in the target website.

Golismero scan <target url here>

The audit can be given a name using the following command.

golismero scan < target url here > --audit-name <audit name here>

Similarly, the file name and file extension can also be provided to tell the tool to save the report in the desired format using the following command.

golismero scan < target url here > --audit-name <file name with extension here>

Golismero can be integrated with other security tools like Open Vas, DNS recon, and Nikto. The integration allows merging of the reports from these tools into a single report. The IMPORT command is used to import the results from other tools. For example, to import the results from Nikto tool into Golismero, the following command can be used. The results are automatically stored into a database file.

python golismero.py import -i nikto_output.csv -i nmap_output.xml -db database.db

Upcoming Features

The coming features of Golismero include the integration of the tool with other security tools like Metasploit, ZAP, and SQLMap. Web UI, more plugins, and PDF format results are part of the future release plan of the tool.

Download the tool from here

What Bunny rating does it get?

We have decided to give this tool a very respectable bunny rating of 3.5/5 bunnies
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