Soon You Will Be Able to Pay for Goods With the Palm of Your Hand

TODAY- The Aeon Financial Service Company and its subsidiary AEON Credit Service along with Fujitsu announced that Fujitsu and AEON Credit Service are going to start the field trial of a revolutionary new cardless payment system. The system will be utilizing Fujitsu’s own palm vein biometric authentication tech.

Beginning this coming September, the trial will be taking place in predetermined Ministop conveniences store locations around Japan. This will be the country’s very first usage of palm vein authentication-type cardless payments in actual stores.

While numerous payment methods have been developed by AEON Credit Service corporation, the company has also been weighing different credit card methods that can be utilized by their customers with increased security and convenience; and now, from numerous biometric authentication tech that identify people from a certain part of their individual body, AEON has chosen to utilize Fujitsu’s palm vein authentication tech as part of its payment scheme—because it offers heightened authentication accuracy and because it’s also sanitary and contact-free. This will essentially enable individuals to shop “empty-handed” because smart devices and credit cards will no longer be necessary.

Customers will be able to use the service after registering for it in advance by adding their personal palm vein pattern to their AEON card info. To pay at the register, they can use their registered AEON card by entering their birth date and having the palm of their hand scanned over the reader. AEON card usage will become more convenient and more efficient as customers will no longer have to take their cards out of their wallets, pockets or purses.

Palm vein authentication has a high level of accuracy because the palm contains lots of veins with complex arrangement thus providing exceptional personal identification capability. Also, due to the fact that this info is inside the body, the method can authenticate an individual reliably with very little possibility of outside interference. Additionally, this method increases safety due to how extremely difficult falsification would be.

The field trial will include AEON Group employees at numerous Ministop locations starting this September. The companies are planning to start distribution of the technology for utilization in stores based on the results of the field trial.

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