Female Hacker Charged With Five Felonies Including Hacking Selena Gomez

21 year old Susan Atrach was charged with five different felonies that include stealing computer data to conduct fraud, identity theft, obtaining money or data using illegal means and hacking into celebrity accounts. Very few hackers have been caught in the past with such a variety of hacking related crimes.

Recently, the hacker was charged for hacking into Selena Gomez’s email account and extracting sensitive data. Many believe that it was only after hacking Gomez’s account that authorities seriously started looking for her as no serious cases had been filed against her previously.

Selena was hacked countless times between 2015 and 2016 and it is believed that Susan hacked her during this time period as well.

Upon investigation, it was revealed that she hacked into the celebrity’s account a few years ago but didn’t leak anything at that time. However, a few years later, explicit photos of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were leaked. It is also believed that she hacked into Gomez’s account not once but several times over the years obtaining more private data.

Other than that, she has also been convicted to have conducted online fraud and other hacks.

What Punishment Is Be Given To Her For Hacking Selena Gomez’s Account?

The hacker is due to surrender herself in Los Angeles where she is expected to be arraigned by 27th August; her sentence could carry up to nine years in prison for the five different felonies. Authorities believe that she might have been behind other crimes too, therefore the investigation is expected to continue.

The Bottomline

On one side, celebrities should be careful about what social media platforms they use and how, and on the other platforms should look at upgrading their security.

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