This Software Called Otter; What it is and what it does

Companies of all sizes use computers to store data and records. Some of the data may include information that is very important to the success of their company, including company secrets, as well as private customer data. It can be very valuable to criminals and hackers. Being able to detect hacking and criminal activity on your computer can be achieved through Otter software.

About Otter

Otter is a software program created by the AIO Forensics company. The purpose of Otter is to enable companies to have a fast way to identify problems on their computer systems in a way that does not alter the original data.

When a computer event has occurred, collecting evidence demands that original data remains intact without any alterations. Legal forensic cases require that forensics data collected from a computer be performed by technicians and software that will protect it. This type of case may involve industrial espionage, theft of intellectual property, bankruptcy, inappropriate use of emails or Internet use in the workplace, and regulatory compliance.

Otter ensures that data on the computer is protected during its use by using the Hashing system (MD5 and SHA-1), which assures that each file is the same. It collects all the data needed to make an analysis and find suspicious configurations.

Get Reports

As Otter is being used, reports are generated for you in Excel. It is an all-in-one tool that only requires the otter.exe file to be clicked on to initiate the processes. It does not need to be installed to use.

As the software is running, it will generate 12 worksheets of information, giving you the data you need to find breaches and other problems. Among these worksheets, they include reports on:

1. A Global summary with MD5 and SHA-1 hashes of your registry files

2. Analysis tips for a Forensic Investigation

3. DLL’s

4. Recently opened documents

5. Connected USB devices

6. Programs run by a user

7. Startup programs

8. Malware Analysis

9. And more.

Detect Live System Activity

The Otter software also enables you to know when there is suspicious activity taking place on your personal computer or network. It provides you with a real-time view of all current activity on your computer system. Potential malware is also analyzed by a scoring system.

Save Time

Forensic teams using the Otter software can reduce the time it takes to conduct an investigation and get the data they need. The needed data is usually obtained in less than 15 seconds and only one-click is required to initiate the process.


The software can be obtained as is, which enables all the above processes and more. It can also be customized by our company to better suit your needs. Complete instructions come with the software that will help you know how to use it and how to interpret the results.

This software called Otter is available only from AIO Forensics. It can be used to protect your computer by enabling you to see what is taking place at any time. It is fully compatible with Windows 10 and can be used on 64-bit and 32-bit systems.

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