After TikTok, LinkedIn And Reddit Caught Spying On iOS Clipboard

Recently, TikTok drew attention due to the way it kept spying on iOS users by snooping Clipboard contents. However, it now seems many other apps, including the reputed one, also exhibit similar behavior. Users have caught LinkedIn and Reddit spying iOS Clipboard contents, following TikTok.

Linked, Reddit Copy iOS Clipboard Content

After the TikTok debacle, iOS users kept observing how Apple iOS 14 notifies of all the apps pasting contents from the Clipboard. And their observations turned out pretty scary. They even caught apps like LinkedIn and Reddit to spy on iOS Clipboard.

At first, a user noticed how LinkedIn spied on iOS Clipboard contents with almost every keystroke.

Later, the same user pointed out how the Reddit app also did the same.

With Apple iOS 14, the tech giant has launched a key feature of notifying the user whenever an app accesses Clipboard. Though, it is presently in beta, yet, it seems it’s helping users find out how various apps spy on them.

After the Urspace highlighted the matter, numerous other users also pointed more apps exhibiting similar behavior. Specifically, the users named Microsoft Teams, Google Chrome, and Slack.

Both Vendors Confirm ‘Fixing’ The ‘Glitch’

Following the tweets, both LinkedIn and Reddit were quick to respond to the matter.

At first, LinkedIn VP Engineering, Consumer Products, Erran Berger, quickly clarified the matter in a response.

Besides, LinkedIn quickly worked on developing and releasing a fix for the glitch. Hence, users can now upgrade to the latest LinkedIn iOS app to eliminate this issue.

Likewise, Reddit has also confirmed in their statement to TheVerge, that the incident happened due to a bug. And that the fix will be available on July 14, 2020.

We tracked this down to a codepath in the post composer that checks for URLs in the pasteboard and then suggests a post title based on the text contents of the URL.
We do not store or send the pasteboard contents. We removed this code and are releasing the fix on July 14th.

Let’s wait if we could hear of similar fixes or any denials/clarifications for Microsoft Teams and Google Chrome as well.

Whether intentional or unintentional, it seems many iOS apps exhibit the same behavior. Perhaps, it seems better for all iOS app developers to review their codes and address this issue. Particularly, if they want to avoid naming and shaming that apps like TikTok have faced from the community.

Instead of using sites like TikTok or Reddit, consider using BlogsBunny, a website that takes user privacy seriously.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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