Google Fixed The Third Chrome Zero-Day Bug In 2022

Continuing the legacy of the previous year, Google has addressed numerous serious flaws this year too. Reportedly, Google has recently rolled out another Chrome browser update fixing the third zero-day bug of the year so far.

Third Chrome Zero-Day Bug Fixed

A few days ago, Google rolled out an emergency Chrome update addressing the third zero-day bug of the running year.

This update looked more of a surprise (indicating urgency) since it arrived days after a major update in late March 2022. That update (Chrome desktop version 99.0.4844.84) also addressed a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2022-1096) affecting its V8 component.

And now, the latest update addressed another actively exploited zero-day bug affecting its V8 component.

Specifically, V8 is an open-source JavaScript engine empowering Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers like Microsoft Edge and Brave.

Regarding the recently addressed bug, Google identified it as a high-severity type confusion vulnerability (CVE-2022-1364). The bug reportedly caught the attention of Clément Lecigne of Google’s Threat Analysis Group, following which the relevant personnel patched it. As always, the tech giant hasn’t shared the details about the flaw. As stated in its advisory,

Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix.

The tech giant has rolled out the fix with the Chrome stable release for desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux) 100.0.4896.127. This update merely addressed one more issue besides this zero-day that the tech giant explained as issues caught during internal audits and fuzzing.

So now, the tech giant has fulfilled its duty to patch the flaw. And, it’s now up to the users to enhance their devices’ security. Since the bug typically affects the browser’s desktop version, all Windows, macOS, and Linux users of Chrome browser should ensure updating their browsers. Although this update should naturally arrive automatically, assuring timely updates via manual checking is wise.

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renijeandeluna April 24, 2022 - 3:29 pm

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