Google Plans To Launch Privacy Sandbox In Android 13 Starting 2023

Android March 2023 update

The tech giant Google has announced to roll out Privacy Sandbox in Android 13 starting next year. The initial rollout will be on a limited scale, with a gradual increase in supported devices over time.

Google To Introduce Privacy Sandbox In Android 13

According to a recent post, Google has confirmed rolling out the Privacy Sandbox with Android 13 in 2023. That means Android users with devices running on the latest Android 13 will be able to test the new feature in a few months.

As Ryan Fitzgibbon, Google’s Product Manager, elaborated in the post, this year, the tech giant kept releasing Developer Previews for real-time testing and improvements based on the feedback. Consequently, they are now ready to launch the Privacy Sandbox feature to a broader user base.

However, it won’t be a global rollout for Android 13 devices. Instead, Google will launch the feature in phases, with a limited rollout in the beginning as “Privacy Sandbox Beta.”. Besides, there will also be dedicated Developer Previews for early testing.

We’ll start with a small percentage of devices and increase over time. Note that Developer Previews will continue to be released and this is where we’ll first deliver the latest features for early feedback before being released on production devices.

Google first announced its plans regarding Privacy Sandbox on Android in February 2022. Explaining the motives behind this idea, Google stated in its post that Privacy Sandbox would facilitate better user privacy with advertising activities. Specifically, it will limit cross-app identifier sharing and overall third-party data sharing.

At that time, the tech giant pledged to roll out the Privacy Sandbox Beta by the end of this year. And now, they have confirmed the release by starting 2023.

The tech giant invites interested developers to enroll in the beta testing program to test the ads-related APIs. These APIs include Topics, FLEDGE, and Attribution Reporting. All app developers and ad tech firms can enroll in the beta testing by requesting access to limited devices.

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