How to use multitab in Android Nougat

Recently in one of our tutorial we have shown how to download and install Android 7.0 Nougat in 2 different methods. Android 7.0 Nougat is current latest version in android Platform. This version supports few Nexus devices.

Today in this tutorial we are going to teach you how to use multitab in Android Nougat to quickly swatch from one app to another.

How to:

Double tap on the overview (multitasking) button. This will push you to previous app you were using.


Note: Double tap option works even if you are from the home screen. Double tapping will take you into whatever you were doing last.


Other multitab tricks:

When you are using multitasking feature the screen drops the Google search bar and gives more screen real estate to the apps them selves. You can also clear out all the multitasking list by touch tap Clear All from the top of the screen.


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