3 Interesting Facts to Keep in Mind Regarding IPv6

IPv6 is the internet’s next-generation protocol intended to replace IPv4. IPv6 is better than IPv4 for a million reasons. For example, IPv6 allows more users and devices to communicate with the internet via bigger numbers/IP addresses.

So maybe you know what IPv6 is, but there are quite a few interesting facts regarding IPv6 that you might not know.

Let’s discuss a few of them:

IPv6 Addresses = 128-bit Hexadecimal Numbers

If you took the time to compare IPv4 to IPv6, you might notice the difference in appearance. With IPv4, four numerical octets were combined to form a 32-bit address. With IPv6, the addresses are comprised of 128-bits in length and consist of hexadecimal characters.

“In IPv4, each octet consists of a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255. These numbers are typically separated by periods. In IPv6, addresses are expressed as a series of eight 4-character hexadecimal numbers, which represent 16 bits each (for a total of 128 bits).”

The Zeros Can Be Left Out

When you look at an IPv6 address, you might notice a lot of zeros. This is because of the IPv6’s long bit lengths – but in reality, those zeros are simply placeholders. In other words, when relaying the IPv6 for whatever reason, you don’t need to type out all of those zeroes.

Tech Republic’s example:




IPv6 Is Designed for Efficiency

You don’t have to worry about relying on NAT for internet connection anymore. IPv6 removes the most common address conflict issues that IPv4 was central to. Due to this, IPv6 allows more streamlined connections and communications for devices.

“IPv6 simplifies and speeds up data transmission by handling packets more efficiently, and removing the need to check packet integrity. This frees valuable router time that can be better-spent moving data.”

In the end, the facts tell us it’s clear: IPv6 is a better choice than IPv4.

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