Bitcoin addresses Heartbleed vulnerability

Bitcoin Core Version 0.9.1 is out and it has addressed the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability, also known as CVE-2014-0160. The vulnerability has been patched by major bitcoin exchanges in a matter of hours.

In case you missed it, Heartbleed is a pretty big deal in the security community. The crypto bug in OpenSSL (an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS internet security protocols that encrypt and secure internet traffic) has opened up two thirds of the web to eavesdropping. It was uncovered earlier this week and many observers described it as nothing short of catastrophic.

Luckily the news quickly translated into industry-wide action: patches are being implemented across the world as we speak.

Bitcoin exchanges and wallets are targeted by hackers on a daily basis, so serious bitcoin outfits keep track of zero day exploits, new attack vectors and a host of other vulnerabilities.

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