Home Did you know ? Know All the Geeky Details of Every Apple product Ever Produced

Know All the Geeky Details of Every Apple product Ever Produced

by Unallocated Author

If you’re a fan of Apple products, but your hardware is limited to what you can afford, then you can still have fun taking a trip through Apple’s product history with Mactracker.

Apple Mac hardware is generally a straightforward experience. You may not even know exactly what processor or graphics card is in your system, but you can easily discover this information yourself by using the System Report.

On the other hand, maybe you’re fascinated by every spec and detail of your system, and all the others in the Apple ecosystem. Mactracker is a fun, yet detailed application available for macOSand iOS, which tells you everything you need to know about Apple hardware—not just Macs, but iPhones, iPads, iPods, Newtons, and anything else Apple has ever produced.

Let’s check out an example and show you what we mean. Ever feel nostalgic and want to see how far you’ve come since that old 13-inch Macbook from 2009? Open up Mactracker and learn all about it.

To start, here’s the application’s main screen, showing Apple’s product line sorted by desktops, notebooks, and so on. Like we said, Mactracker covers the gamut from the company’s latest product offerings to the very first Apple computer created.


Here’s that MacBook 13-inch model, produced mid-2009. The General tab will give you an overview of the machine’s processor, storage and media options, and keyboard and trackpad information, as well as the current asking price.


Software is an important consideration when looking at older model Macs. It’s good to know if it will run the latest version of macOS (this model will not), in case you felt the need to buy one on eBay.


Once you start exploring and playing around, you’re liable to spend hours checking out all the stuff. Best of all, Mactracker is free and constantly updated. So, whether you have an interest for Mac notebooks, want to learn all there is about every iMac made, or you’re keen to know about Apple’s brief history making dot matrix printers, you will find it all in Mactracker.

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