Senior Female Student Charged For DDoSing Her School’s System

A senior female student at Franklin Regional High School (Murrysville,Pennsylvania) was charged by the police for carrying out a series of DDoS attack on more than 12 local school districts. Police have charged the student with the illegal use of a computer and for disrupting a computer system intentionally. The police also confiscated at least 8 PCs, tablets, laptops and also here cellphone on searching her house.

This 18-year old female- Michaela Gabriella King’s attack weren’t only on schools, she also launched attacks against Westmoreland County government and the Catholic Diocese of Greensburg. The BetaBooter program was used by her for launching a series of DDoS attacks.

It was identified that each attack launched against the district’s computer system lasted for around 10 to 45 minutes. The affected school districts include three career and technology centers of the country, Greensburg Salem, Ligonier Valley, Greater Latrobe, Kiski Area, Jeannette, Burrell, Monessen, Hempfield Area, Greensburg Central Catholic, and Westmoreland Intermediate Unit.

According to the analysis of computer experts hired on this case: Gabriella King launched three attacks on the district’s system and she exploited the high school computers for this purpose. Another major attack was launched from the personal device of King such as her cell phone or computer(s) at her residence Mamont Drive house.

The teen was released on signature bond after being charged before Charles Conway, Export District Judge and the preliminary hearing of the case is due to be held on December 20.

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