How To Easily Clear System Cache In Ubuntu

The concept of the cache memory is basically very good. It saves a collective of files and helps your system to load faster. The concept of the cache memory is widely used in the web browsers to make websites (that is be visited frequently) loaded faster than usual.

Linux also adopts the same method to get your system run faster. Basically, there is nothing wrong with this method and it’s implementation manner as you can open and run many programs faster. But, there is one thing you have to know. Since the concept of cache memory uses your system memory, you will see yourself in trouble if your system has very low memory. The only thing you can probably do is to be smart and clear your cache memory.

If you are an Ubuntu user, there is a very helpful tool that lets you clear caches and unnecessary files. It is called Ubuntu Cleaner. It is a GUI-based tool so it’s highly easy to use.

Installing Ubuntu Cleaner

The Ubuntu Cleaner is not listed in the default repository of the OS. You can get it on the PPA Launchpad. Just follow these instructions to install

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerardpuig/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-cleaner

Once you have installed the Ubuntu Cleaner successfully, you can run it immediately to start cleaning. Go to Unity Dash and type “Ubuntu Cleaner”.

Below is the interface of Ubuntu Cleaner.

As you can see on the screenshot above, Ubuntu Cleaner lets you clear caches, the thumbnail cache that the system creates for the fast loading of directories, apt cache, old kernels, package configs, and unneeded packages.

To start cleaning the cache, just click on the Clean button on the bottom right corner.

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