Popular Horse Racing Website in India Hacked with Dharma Ransomware

A famous horse racing website (Racingpulse.in) which operates from Bangalore city, India was hacked on this Tuesday. The attackers who hacked left a notice on the home page of this website that they have encrypted the entire data of this website. In the norm they left, they also informed about what they want as ransom. Their ransom note suggested that want ransom amount in Bitcoins while the amount to be paid was not disclosed clearly.

They also mentioned an email address for further communication and it was registered at india.com. Here is a weired part, the hackers who encrypted all athe data in Racingpulse.in ofered an unimaginable favour to the website owners. They gave the decryption key of a maximum of three files for free which should not be more than 10mb of size. They probably did this to prove that they really hacked and encrypted all the files on the site. The note read:

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