The Resurrection of the Dark Fantasy Network: Does It Exist?

Warning: do not attempt to research this topic unless you have the necessary software to protect yourself. The exterior of the dark web is “harmless” enough. It’s when you start digging deeper that you need to be extremely careful.

In 2016, information was made public on both the surface web and the dark web claiming the existence of a network called Dark Fantasy. In the posts, users were given instructions on how to access the classified network using encrypted software. Included was a list of requirements like ChaosVPN and Freenet.

No one reported success. With such a lack of proof, the posts abruptly ceased . . . until just recently when a new blog post by Anastiel was published.

The hysteria hasn’t started yet. It’s only a matter of time considering Intel Exchange has recent posts similar to the frenzy back in 2016. In Anastiel’s recent post, he offers a list of “DarkNet Nodes” along with detailed instructions on accessing each individual domain. A directory is also available; offering over 100 different links to the classified networks. These links include supposed descriptions of the websites – from proof of artificial intelligence to the most dangerous botnets in existence.

After Anastiel’s blog post earlier this month, a couple users began researching the origin of the Dark Fantasy Network. One of their searches led to a comment on a 2016 reddit post about the Dark Fantasy Network from the user V3RDAD:

“The whole truth is often hidden from view.”

Heavy exploration on this user produced more information on his claims via Intel Exchange and Steam. On V3RDAD’s steam profile, he gives a subtle introduction to the “nonsense” he’s been spewing. Further investigation formed the final observation: V3RDAD is a member of the group #CICADA 3301 on Steam. With only five members and interlinked (official) social media, it’s no question that V3RDAD works within the mysterious group.

Which leaves users asking – is Cicada involved in the alleged Dark Fantasy Network . . . or Mariana’s Web?

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