Ransomware-as-a-service is now targeting Mac users

Mac OS users think that their computers are immune from things like ransomware attacks and think that their machines are somehow essentially protected. It is right that it’s less likely for a Mac OS user to be hit or infected with a malware than a Windows user, but this has nothing to do with the level of vulnerability in the operating system.

Security researchers at FortiGuard Labs found a new Ransomware as a service that uses a website hosted in the TOR network which has become a grown trend nowadays. Cyber criminals usually attack Windows users, It’s the first time to see RaaS that targets Mac OS users.

No coding experience is required. Clients can contact the author directly via email to get the malicious code through an onion website.

The malware requires 0.25 bitcoin to be paid for the decryption keys. The author remits 30 percent to the Bitcoin address of his script kiddie accomplices once he’s been paid. The role of the script kiddie is limited to sharing the Ransomware using phishing emails or direct installation.

Fortinet said:
“It is not every day that we see new ransomware specifically targeting Mac OS platform. Even if it is far inferior from most current ransomware targeting Windows, it doesn’t fail to encrypt victim’s files or prevent access to important files, thereby causing real damage.”

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