White-Hat Ltd Infiltrates Underground Schemes on the Dark Web

White knights exist on the internet in every form. This includes white knight hackers (for lack of a better term). In particular: a group known as White-Hat Ltd.

The official website describes their operation as,

“White-Hat Ltd. Is a Cyber consultancy employing only highly professional and trained experts, all with by the HLS and Israeli security forces background and expertise in order to keep the highest standards in Cyber Intelligence Consulting Services.”

The group’s objective is infiltrating the dark web for leaked information on upcoming cyber-attacks. Due to this, White-Hat Ltd is extremely secretive.

The only members even photographed in the organization are the managers/administrators. Even then, those that are photographed are quick to hide their identities in fear of exposure.

It’s no surprise or secret that cyber-attacks have been plaguing machines worldwide lately. Knowing that a white knight hacker group like White-Hat Ltd is on our side is a comfort . . . at the very least.

According to The Times of Israel, White-Hat Ltd participates in the following maneuvers:

“They plow through the web, set up false and numerous virtual identities, or so-called online avatars; they infiltrate hacker groups and forums to discover planned cyber-attacks, then prepare their clients before they occur. Watching them work is a bit like watching the latest season of “Homeland” or the movie “Snowden”: their screens are filled with diagrams and dots that connect one person or event to many, many others.”

With only 34 members in the group, White-Hat Ltd is also a tight-knit community. Rumors suggest that they were aiming to purchase The Shadow Broker’s monthly service subscription in order to prevent massive online disarray after its release.

Although it’s unknown on whether they were successful, the general public is crossing their fingers. If we could avoid another massive cyber-attack thanks to White-Hat Ltd, they will truly earn the title of white knight hackers.


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