Home News Mozilla Brings Firefox Focus to Android

Mozilla Brings Firefox Focus to Android

by Unallocated Author

Firefox Focus is an app that is created to address the different threats to user privacy that loom on the web, while also providing users with a fast, free, and easy-to-use browsing experience.

Firefox Focus is providing a useful service for those times when you want to keep your web browsing to yourself, we were floored by your response – it’s the highest rated browser from a trusted brand for the iPhone and iPad, earning a 4.6 average rating on the App Store.

The main advantage of the browser is to block ad, analytics, social, and various other trackers, without requiring users to change their settings. Because of that, it can provide users with increased control on how their online activities are tracked on their devices, regardless of whether they surf the Internet from a smartphone or tablet.

“Like the iPhone and iPad version, the Android app is free of tabs and other visual clutter, and erasing your sessions is as easy as a simple tap. Firefox Focus allows you to browse the web without being followed by tracking ads which are notoriously known for slowing down your mobile experience. Why do we block these ad trackers? Because they not only track your behaviour without your knowledge, they also slow down the web on your mobile device.”

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