Anti-Malware Service Executable!! Why does it take most of my CPU?

Microsoft has included its own version of Antivirus called the Windows Defender and encourages its users to use it. The Antimalware Service Executable is a part of the Windows Defender’s Background Process.

The program runs under the filename of MsMpEng.exe and it is a part of the Windows OS. It is responsible for Checking Files if they contain the bits of malicious code in them and performs background system scans and sandboxes the Applications if they are suspected. you can configure windows defender to perform scans using the Antimalware Service Executable.

If you notice the Antimalware Service Executable process utilizing a large amount of CPU or disk sources, it’s likely scanning your PC for malware. Like other antivirus tools, Windows Defender performs regular background scans of the files on your computer.

It also examines files when you open them, and automatically installs updates with data about new malware. This CPU utilization could also symbolize that it’s installing an update, or that you just opened a specially large file Windows Defender needs some additional time to investigate.

Windows Defender generally makes background scans only while your computer is idle and isn’t being used. However, it may still use CPU resources performing updates or scanning files as you open them, even while you work on your computer. But the background scans shouldn’t run while you’re using your PC you can disable it if you want but we are not recommending to do that since it provides the necessary security checks for your PC.

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