FCC got 11 Representatives and 21 Senators against them on the topic of Net Neutrality

The users of the Internet have long said that the FCC’s contemporary views to destroy net neutrality don’t give sense and don’t really Restore Internet Freedom quite the inverse in fact. In fact, the same view has been repeated by Mignon Clyburn, Ajit Pai’s fellow FCC member, who wrote that May’s choice ended up “Destroying Internet Freedom” not returning it. The FCC wants to notice the message: that net neutrality is a policy that Congress has mandated the FCC uphold, not a slaughter. Specifically, the Representatives look out that the FCC is thought to treat ISPs the pipes against than Facebook and Google the things in the pipes. The letter stated:

While the tech has improved, the methods to which we granted have endured firm the law still delivers the FCC to look at the network foundation carrying data as different from the settings that create the data. Using today’s tech that means the law instructs the FCC to see at ISP services as different from those sets that ride over the networks.

These are the very bureaucrats that wrote the laws which supported the open internet especially the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The letter also clarified:

…if we had planned network property to be the sole means by which the FCC defines policy, we would have specifically written that into the law.

This following letter to the FCC requests for the comment time to be extended to 60 days. In 2014, with a 30-day commentary period, over 4 million pro-net neutrality remarks were submitted. So far in the last few months, thanks to an internet-wide Net Neutrality Day of Action and raised awareness around the country, over 16 million remarks have been generated. Whether the 5 person FCC team will need both the strong public support and Congressional purpose and vote to keep net neutrality laws or destroy them remains to be seen.

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