The Comment Period on Net Neutrality got extended by Two Weeks

The proposal’s commentary session was formerly scheduled to end next week, on August 16th, but the council just pushed the date out to August 30th.

The addition was given in answer to 10 organizations asking for extra time to respond. They had continued looking for an extra eight weeks, but the board said an extra two weeks would be more in line with the type of extensions given in the past.

The committee didn’t signal that interruptions to its filing system, caused by an obvious DDOS attack, factored into the choice at all.

Granting a two-week addition gives people extra time to file “reply comments,” which are expected to return to what people filed through the first phase of the remark period, which closed in July. That comment period had lasted much longer than normal because the board released the program a month before it was voted on.

Even without these two extra weeks, the program to end Title II net neutrality was previously the most-commented item in the FCC’s history: there are currently close to 20 million registrations. For comparison, the last net neutrality debate the proposal to create net neutrality rules and enact Title II — had just 3.7 million replies.

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