FCC has excluded 50,000 Net Neutrality Comments from the documents

The National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) was able to take the text of net neutrality charges from the FCC via a public accounts request but says it has not been able to persuade the FCC to carry them in the repeal docket. “It appears to me that the committee is going to great lengths to disregard these documents and not include them into the record,” NHMC General Counsel Carmen Scurato told News.

Of course, the FCC has all the records and could include them in the docket itself. The NHMC and about 20 other support groups filed a motion in mid-September to have the documents included, but the motion was denied by broadband industry lobby crowds and then rejected by the FCC.

Scurato and NHMC Special Policy Advisor Gloria Tristani went to the FCC office on Friday last week and spoke to an FCC employee who handles the public commenting system. Scurato told News:

We hand-delivered two filings with USB flash drives, one of which involved all of the documents that the FCC produced in acknowledgment to our FoIA requests. We were told by staff at the FCC that they would not upload the records in the USB flash drive and preferably would put a note in the record saying that the flash drive was ready for inspection at the commission.

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