Huawei CFO Arrested in Canada

Meng Wangzhou, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the world’s second largest Telecom giant Huawei, and the daughter of its Founder RenZhengfei was recently arrested in Vancouver, Canada and extradited to the US.

Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, demanded the immediate release of Miss Meng Wangzhou. The Spokesperson said

 “To detain someonewithout giving clear reason is an obvious violation of Human Rights”

Meanwhile, the US President Donald Trump and the Chinese President Xi Jinping were in the middle of a friendly rendezvous at The White House. Although the Justice Department had kept The White House in the loop about the extradition of Miss Meng Wangzhou, Mr.Trump was reportedly unaware of it.

The Arrest

While the two Presidents toasted, the Chinese company’s CFO was changing planes in Vancouver, where she was arrested, only to be deported to the US on charges of violating United States’ and Iran’s trade sanctions.

The Publication Ban

Miss Meng Wangzhou has reportedly preferred a publication ban and therefore the spokesperson for the Justice Department refused to comment any further. He also confirmed that the publication ban was preferred by Miss Meng Wangzhou.

Huwaei’s present struggles

The telecommunication giant had earlier been accused of spying on behalf of the Chinese intelligence. It may be recollected that despite being a global leader in the 5G Technology, Huwaei has been banned by several nations. In August 2018, the US banned the use of Huwaei’s products by the US Government Agencies and its staff for security reasons.

This was followed by the UK Intelligence expressing serious concerns over the Chinese company’s products. On the other hand, the Australian Authorities and New Zealand Authorities banned Huwaei from operating in their respective countries.

According to Canadian sources, the US Authorities have failed to provide them with any clear evidence against Miss Meng Wangzhou. The only allegation disclosed by the US Authorities is that Miss Meng Wangzhou attempted to evade the American embargo against Iran. This does not seem appropriate by Experts, considering the fact that Mr. Trump had recently, as a “Personal Favour” pardoned ZTE, another Telecom company that had allegedly exported goods to Iran.

According to Huawei’s recent statement, Miss Meng Wangzhou currently faces “unspecified charges” in New York.

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