5 Reasons for Building an RPA Center of Excellence

In 2023, thousands of small and middle-sized companies of all types actively use RPA (robotic process automation). It helps them to provide secure, error-free, and productive processes in their businesses. Well-organized RPA perfectly copes with the realization of corporate goals. That is why companies strive to implement RPA centers of excellence that will help them to promote innovations and facilitate all processes. Statistics say that only 20% of companies use Automation CoE, which helps them to effectively create their business value. If you are a part of the remaining 80%, in this post, you will find the top 5 reasons for creating an RPA CoE. 

What is an RPA Center of Excellence?

In simple words, an RPA center of excellence is a special team or a separate department within a company that focuses on implementing and managing RPA initiatives. The CoE provides training, guidance, and support to other business units or teams throughout the company that are involved in RPA projects. Typically, the CoE is responsible for choosing suitable automation tools, establishing RPA standards, promoting collaboration, and ensuring the successful maintenance of RPA solutions across the entire business.

An RPA center of excellence serves as a strategic powerhouse for RPA initiatives. It drives standardization, innovation, and collaboration to speed up automation adoption for achieving concrete business goals. The RPA CoE brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts such as business analysts, RPA developers, project managers, and process owners. They collaborate to identify, prioritize, and automate business processes across various departments in a given company. 

The RPA CoE plays a crucial role in several key areas. First of all, it acts as a center of expertise by developing and sharing RPA standards and methodologies. This helps ensure consistency, scalability, and quality in the implementation of automation projects. For example, Intelligent Automation Services by Trinetix.com will help you to optimize all systems, technologies, and processes inside your company. Moreover, it provides governance and oversight to manage the RPA program effectively, including defining roles and responsibilities, establishing security protocols, and monitoring performance.

Top 5 Reasons for Building an RPA Center of Excellence

Building an RPA center of excellence will undoubtedly bring significant advantages for companies’ further successful development. Consequently, we have selected the top 5 reasons why building an RPA CoE is vital for any business. 

  1. Collaboration. A center of excellence serves as a knowledge hub. It brings together cross-functional teams with expertise in RPA. It facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing among team leaders, business analysts, developers, and process owners. Such a collaborative environment enhances innovation, enables the sharing of automation success stories, and speeds up the learning curve for new automation projects.
  2. Governance. An RPA CoE provides companies with a centralized governance structure for managing automation initiatives. It establishes guidelines and standards to ensure reliability in the development, design, and deployment of automation solutions across the company. This promotes efficiency and reduces the risk of fragmented automation efforts.
  3. Enhanced ROI. An RPA CoE maximizes the ROI of automation initiatives. By providing expertise in prioritizing automation opportunities, the CoE ensures that the most impactful processes are targeted for automation. Additionally, it helps to select the right automation technologies and monitor bots’ efficiency. All these efforts lead to improved operational efficiency and increased productivity.
  4. Employee enablement. Implementing RPA often involves significant changes in processes. An RPA CoE provides change management expertise and ensures that employees have all the necessary skills to work alongside robots. Moreover, the CoE encourages employees to identify automation opportunities and contribute to the success of the RPA program.
  5. Agile development: A CoE endorses agile development and fast deployment of automation solutions. It establishes an iterative development process, allowing for quick continuous improvement, feedback loops, and shorter implementation cycles. Such an approach enables companies to quickly respond to changing business requirements and arrange automation solutions for up-and-coming needs effectively. 

Final words

To crown it all, creating an RPA center of excellence will help your company to establish a structured approach to automation, improve ROI, facilitate collaboration, and enable agile development. Using the resources within the CoE, companies can boost their operational excellence and unlock the full potential of RPA. 

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