Latest Hacking News Podcast #187
NASA reveals a data breach that compromised staff social security numbers and Trend Micro warns that HolaVPN is unsafe on episode 187 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
NASA reveals a data breach that compromised staff social security numbers and Trend Micro warns that HolaVPN is unsafe on episode 187 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
New malware pulls commands from memes on Twitter, yet another Twitter bug, and Signal can’t comply with new Australian encryption law on episode 186 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
Yet more user data leaks via third-party apps from both Twitter and Facebook plus updates on the bomb threat extortion campaign on episode 185 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
Bomb threat email scam alarms businesses, Wordpress bug led to some passwords indexed by Google, and data protection lacking in US Border data searches on episode 183 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
Operation Sharpshooter targeting nuclear, defense, and energy companies, Super Micro release findings of its investigation into alleged hardware hack, and Grammarly announced public bug bounty.
Over 40,000 Government portal login credentials discovered online, Android trojan steals money from PayPal while users watch, and Microsoft patches another actively used zero-day flaw on episode 182 of our daily cybersecurity podcast.
Google+ now to be shut down in April following second data leak and recent “sextortion” email scam includes GandCrab ransomware on episode 181 of our daily podcast.
Interview with Valentino De Sousa, cyberdefense lead for the UK and Ireland with Accenture Security, about SNAKEMACKERAL aka Fancybear, APT28, and Sofacy.
Botnet of 20,000 Wordpress sites attacking other Wordpress sites, Australia passes encryption law, and UNNAMED1989 ransomware dev arrested on episode 179 of our daily podcast.
APT using malicious Chrome Extension, Google Maps notification spam, and Adobe Flash actively exploited zero-day receives emergency patch on episode 178 of our daily podcast.