Home Vulnerabilities Elegance Wordpress Theme Local File Disclosure Published

Elegance Wordpress Theme Local File Disclosure Published

by Unallocated Author

Here is the published exploit for the Elegance theme in Wordpress. This Local File Disclosure proof of concept will read the passwd file of a Linux system.

[+] Post Local File Disclosure in wordpress theme Elegance 
[+] Date: 07/06/2014
[+] CWE Number: CWE-98
[+] Risk: High
[+] Author: Felipe Andrian Peixoto
[+] Dork:inurl:"/wp-content/themes/elegance/"
[+] Vendor Homepage: http://www.elegantthemes.com/
[+] Contact: felipe_andrian@hotmail.com
[+] Tested on: Windows 7 and Linux
[+] Vulnerable File: dl-skin.php
[+] Exploit : 


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